Data Upload API

Platform participants can upload their data using the GCP Cloud Storage REST API. Data uploads are done to the special bucket called ‘landing_zone’. Every hour a special internal landing zone connector is invoked that is pulling the new files from the landing zone and moving them into the standardized location. This internal landing zone connector is made to ensure that the third parties are isolated from the main data flow, and that the incoming files are checked prior to being accepted by the platform.

The data flow for external connector is a variation of the main data flow, as depicted in the figure below.


Data flow for external connectors

The data is pushed onto the landing_zone bucket by the external connectors, and this data becomes raw data for the system. Then the internal landing zone connector is invoked given the configuration from the properties.xml files and is moving that data to ‘standardized’. Then, in the data warehouse, the data gets linked to the meters that are described with their XML configuration files, same as all other meters.

The landing_zone bucket is subject to GCP conditional permissions:

  • each external connector is provided with a special service account

  • a separate directory is created in the landing_zone bucket with conditional permissions granting this service account write access

  • the service account is only granted permissions Storage Object Creator and Storage Object Viewer, without the object listing permissions. That is done because object listing permissions are defined for the whole bucket, and granting a connector permission to list objects would also allow listing objects that belong to other external connectors.

The permissions are GCP conditional, limited to each external connector’s specific directory (file name prefix in GCP storage bucket terms). For example, external connector ext_conn1 would be granted permissions


Accordingly, the external connectors can write a file, read that file knowing file name, but not list the uploaded files.

Data Download API

Platform participants can download their data using GCP cloud storage REST API and their login credentials to the platform. If needed, service account credentials may be generated.

Recorded data of a meter may be accessed with an HTTP call to a specific file in a specific bucket at URL /b/BUCKET/o/OBJECT, for example: /b/participant_1/coned/standardized/3/2021-11-08T14:00:00 that will refer to standardized readings of meter number 3 made on November 8, 2021, at 2 p.m. by a ConEd connector, operated by participant number 1 of a consortium.

Uploading data this way should be avoided because it will intervene with internal data processing flows. Uploading to a landing zone should be used instead, as described above.

More info

Additional details on the GCP Cloud Storage REST API, used for both, upload and download, are available at the API Reference

When a new service account is created, the external party willing to send data needs to activate it using the gcloud/gsutil tools with the following command:

gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file name-of-file-received-from-benchmark8760-support.json

Files can be downloaded with the following gcloud/gsutil tools command:

gsutil cp gs://landing_zone/ext_conn1/readme.txt local-readme.txt

In this example it is assumed that the bucket is called landing_zone, connector is called ext_conn1 and there is a file called readme.txt. These are sample values, real values need to be obtained from the Benchmark 8760 support.

A file with metered data can be uploaded as described in Guide on uploading